Monday, November 28, 2011

Procedure for Final Review

Final Review: Wednesday November 30, 2011 9:00-17:00

Exhibition Room
Aj Antoine + Aj Kerrie
Aj Narin + Aj Kesate

Room 404A (sliding rooms on the fourth floor)
Aj Komthat + Aj Jessica

Room 404B (sliding door rooms on the fourth floor)
Aj Wen + Aj Moe

Procedure for Final Reviews for Third Year Students:
1. All your drawings and models are to be submitted to your instructor no later than 8:45. First students from each group must pin-up and to be ready to present at 9:00 sharp.

2. If you are not there when it’s your turn to present, we will skip it and you will get a 30% deduction for your final presentation grade.

3. All students must write down comments given to studio mates and to hand it in at the end of the day to the instructor. Failing to comply will result in one letter deduction from your overall grade of the entire semester.

4. Each presenter has about 16 minutes (depending on the amount of students in your review group) – approximately 8 minutes for presentation and 8 minutes for critique. Be sure you have a piece of paper with all important points outlined so you don’t miss anything important.

5. Since other instructors will be grading your work, student must bring all the models and critical drawings/sketches with you.

6. If you can’t show up, you will need to have a letter from a physician. A letter from your parents is not acceptable. Migraine and headache or anything minor do not excuse you from the presentation. Absence without a good reason will result in an F for your final project.

7. You are required to observe the Chulalongkorn University dress code. Shirt must be tucked in at all time. Sandals are not allowed.

8. To be fair to the students that are presenting early, no one is allowed to print out or do any work on the day of final presentation. If caught, you will not be allowed to present and get 30% deduction for presentation and attitude.

9. No one is allowed to leave until everyone is finished. Each group is responsible for tidying up the space. Remove all the garbage, site model, and your work at the end of the day. The room must be left in the same stage it was found. Failing to stay until the end and cleaning up will cost you a letter grade deduction.

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