Sunday, August 7, 2011


1.       Course Number                          2541312
2.       Course Credits                           6
3.       Course Title                                Architectural Design II (ARCH DSGN II)
4.       Department                                Architecture (International Program)
          Faculty                                        Architecture
5.       Semester                                    Second
6.       Academic Year                           2011
7.       Instructors                                  Kerrie Butts (Course Coordinator) 
                                                              Prisdha Jumsai
                                                  Antoine Lassus  
                                                              Narin Paranulaksa
                                                  Jessica Schmidt
                                                  Ekapob Suksudpaisarn
                                                  Komthat Syamananda
                                                  Kesate Tadesse
8.        Condition
8.1 Prerequisite                           25411311 Architectural Design I (ARCH DSGN I)
9.        Course Status                           Studio
10.      Curriculum                                Bachelor of Science in Architectural Design
11.      Degree                                       Undergraduate Student
12.      Number of class hour / week   (2 x 3.5 hours) Monday/Wednesday 13:00-16:30
12A.    Location                                    Room 705 Faculty of Architecture

13.      Course Description 
Investigation of ideologies of architects and theories of modern and contemporary architecture; their applications to architectural design in tropical contexts.
14.       Course Outline

14.1. Practical Objectives:  Students should demonstrate the following skills and knowledge:
Critical Thinking Skills: Ability to raise clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret information, consider diverse points of view, reach well-reasoned conclusions, and test them against relevant criteria and standards
Graphic Skills: Ability to use appropriate representational media, including freehand drawing and computer technology, to convey essential formal elements at each stage of the programming and design process
Fundamental Skills: Ability to use basic architectural principles in the design of buildings, interior spaces, and sites
National and Regional Traditions: Understanding of national traditions and the local regional heritage in architecture, landscape design and urban design, including the vernacular tradition
Sustainable Design: Understanding of the principles of sustainability in making architecture and urban design decisions that conserve natural and built resources, including culturally important buildings and sites, and in the creation of healthful buildings and communities
Site Conditions: Ability to respond to natural and built site characteristics in the development of a program and the design of a project

14.2.   Learning Content
Students are encouraged to develop an understanding of architecture in relation to sustainable/ecology implications based on a ‘critical’ consideration/interpretation of issues such as: - local traditions, situations & cultures; - territorial and urban quality of the place/site of the project; - climatic & geographic factors of the environment of the project. In a design studio setting, students should tackle problems from multiple perspectives – culture, society, politics, building technologies, etc. through the process of self-inquiry, research and experimentation.

14.3. Class activities / Method The studio is an important place to your design/architectural education. It promotes a culture of sharing ideas, skills, viewpoints and experiences. As an anomaly within the university environment, design studio is known for its intense focus on learning by doing as a collective of individuals.  See attached studio manual for rules and class policies.

Students are expected to attend all INDA public lectures. Lectures are typically held on Wednesdays from 1700-1800 hours (unless otherwise noted) at room 329 Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University

Students are expected to check the course blog on a regular basis for updates, announcements and background files.

14.4. Communication Tools
General requirements for assignments are as follow:
a. drawings: hand drawn sketches, plans, sections, and elevations
b. physical models: existing site precise description / working models / presentation models
c. Computer drawings and digital models
d. online publishing of process work via blog.  Students will be required to set up and update on a regular basis a personal blog containing INDA studio design work.  See for how to set up an account.

14.5 Evaluation/Grading Breakdown
Process 24%
Effort 5%
Attendance 5%
Midterm Review 33%
Final Review 33%

Grading Criteria throughout Semester:
Process (evaluated weekly) methodology, development throughout semester, testing of ideas, rigorous approach to design
Effort- attitude, self-motivation, attentiveness in class discussions and desk crits, being on time and prepared
Attendance- Number of Unexcused Absences
0 = A(100) , 1= B+ (88), 2= B(83), 3= C+(78), 4= C (73), 5= D+(68), 6= D (63), 7+=F (58-0)
Students missing more than 20% of attendance will not be entitled for the final exam/ presentation. This 20% is translated to roughly six absences. Student may not miss more than four sessions prior to the Midterm review.

Grading Criteria for Reviews:
Concept- Analysis, Research, Program Development, Argument, Position Statement
Design Execution- Design proposal related/implementing stated concept, physical intervention resolved with aesthetic, structural and contextual considerations
Drawing- Orthographic, Axonometric and Perspectives. Graphic Clarity, Relationship to Design Concept
Model-Final Physical Model, Process Models, Craft, Relationship to Design Concept
Verbal- Public Speaking, Clarity of Argument

15. Schedule


Academic Dishonesty:
Student is expected to produce work on his/her own. Outside help or assistance from senior or friends from different year or program is prohibited. Depending on the extent of the help, student may receive no grade for the involved exercise or project. Using other people’s work (research or analysis) as yours is not dissimilar to copying during examination, student will receive an “F” for the course.

Attendance in class is mandatory. Essential course materials, discussions and assistance will be delivered during class/studio sessions. Excused absences are generally granted for documented personal medical reasons (obtain verification from student health center or on a physician's letterhead) or an extreme crisis in the immediate family (death or extreme illness - verify by means of death notice or physician's letterhead). A physician’s letter must always be accompanied by receipt from a hospital or clinic. Persons granted an excused absence will be granted one class day for each day excused to make up work. Regardless, it is the responsibility of the individual student to notify the Course Coordinating Instructor.

Student missing more than 20% of attendance will not be entitled for the final exam/ presentation. This 20% is translated to roughly six absences. Student may not miss more than four sessions prior to the Midterm review.

All students are required to be at the studio by 1300 hours. If a student is more than 15 minutes late, leaves more than 15 minutes early or is missing from class more than 15 minutes for unexcused reasons, it will be considered a ‘strike’. Two ‘strikes’ constitutes one un-excused absence. Do not ask to be excused from class for any personal activities like family vacation, modeling contest, singing event or etc. You will not be excused.

Cell Phones:
Usage of cell phones is prohibited during class time. If your phone rings during class or you are seen using it, you will be ask to leave and marked as absent for that class.

Class Participation:
Students are expected to participate in all class exercises and activities. Failure to properly participate or slacking off will result in a deduction of your daily class participation or weekly process grade.

Students are required to regularly check their email account, which some class materials/ information/schedules will be sent to. Please provide your course coordinator with your preferred email address. You will be responsible for all information and updates pertaining to the class sent to you via email.

During the studio hours, students must be at the desk and work while waiting to speak to the instructor. Do not waste time while waiting for your turn. The more work you present to your instructor, the more constructive input you will get in return. The use of computer during the studio hours, other than for studio work, is prohibited. If it is apparent to the instructor that the student is not working during the studio time, the instructor will make a note and marks will be taken off the final grade.

Grading Assessment:
A          Excellent           4
B+       Very Good        3.5
B         Good               3

C+        Fairly Good      2.5
C          Fair                  2
D+        Poor                 1.5
D          Very Poor          1
F          Fail                   0

Materials/Supplies: (Design Tools and Skills)
• Supply list for each assignment will be handed out at the end of each class that is prior to the start of a new assignment.
• All efforts will be made to assign materials that are available at ‘Thong Eiang’, which is the local supplies shop at our faculty. However, Thong Eiang not having certain supplies or being out specific items serves as no excuses. Not having proper supplies equals to reduced class participation grade.
• Failure to bring correct supplies would affects your final grade.
• Ask questions in advance if a supply listed is confusing or unclear.

Reviews: Midterm and Final review
Student is expected to have the work pin-up in the assigned room or area prior to the review time. For example, if the review time is at 10:00 am, this means that the presentation is ready to start by 10:00 am. Failing to present your project at the assigned time slot will result in an “F” for that project.
If you fail to show up for the review without notifying your instructor or your absence is unaccompanied by a physician’s letter, your grade for that particular review would be “F”. Minor illness such as headache or migraine doesn’t count. A physician’s letter must be of severe case – I.C.U. or operating room that requires several days of resting and recovering period. Furthermore, physician’s letter must be accommodated by a receipt (payment for the doctor visit) failure to produce the receipt will nullify the physician’s letter.

Studio Guidelines:
o Food and drinks are not allowed in the studio space. All open beverages must be left outside of the class.
o Inform your instructor the first day of class if you have personal issues that might affect your performance.
o All persons and properties will be respected. This includes but is not limited to peers, student materials, classroom materials, teacher and teacher’s materials, etc. Respect the studio space and the space of others; clean up after yourself & leave the studio in good working order at all times. Persons found disrespecting/vandalizing any persons or anything will have a minimum 10 points removed from there university record per incident.

Studio Safety:
With all the tools and equipments you have, many of them are sharp objects that can easily inflict injury upon you when you don’t exercise precautionary measure. Used blades must be discarded at a designated area. Shoes must be worn at all time.

Late work will not be accepted unless it qualifies as Excused (See: guidelines provided in Attendance). All assignments are due at the date and time indicated. Late assignments will be downgraded one letter grade per day/time late. Incomplete work is generally discouraged. Severe incompleteness will result in
the down-grading of individual assignments based upon the degree of incompleteness. All assignments are due in completed form at the date and time indicated. (See also: Excused Absences)

Students are required to observe the proper university attire when showing up for class. T-shirt and/or sandals are not allowed. Violator will be dismissed from the class and will be marked as absent.

University Rules and Regulation:
Students are expected to follow all university requirements outlined in Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Architecture Rules and Regulations guide book. Paying special attention to the following sections:
o Chulalongkorn University’s Principles of the Standard for the Polite Attire of Male and Female Students
o Chulalongkorn University’s Principles of the Standard on the Attire of Male and Female Students
o Chulalongkorn University’s Announcement on the Guidelines for the Conduct and Activity of the Students
o Chulalongkorn University’s Principles on Student’s Discipline

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